
发布时间:2024年06月10日    一键复制全文

英语课外的活动总结 『范文6』





















英语课外的活动总结 『范文7』

  For large classes of children, only one semester left in the kindergarten life as a teacher, we should make full use of this period of time, providing diverse learning environment for childrens education, pay attention to the development of multiple intelligences, positive for the primary school to lay a good foundation, as parents should be based on the actual situation of children targeted in order to cultivate children in large classes can smoothly enter primary school learning. Only in the form of good dialogue and communication in the home can we effectively carry out the following research work. The following are the main contents of the summary:

  I. Analysis of the situation in this class:

  The children in the kindergarten: after three years of life and learning, children attend classes, will become primary, pride, sense of responsibility and sense of honor are strong, the progress is particularly fast, three teachers were observed, large classes of children active thinking, strong ability to accept, cheerful, lively, independent and full of personality. From the overall perspective, interpersonal skills and independent problem-solving, two aspects of outstanding progress. But several children there are still some problems in the conventional aspects (such as eating, talking can not concentrate in class, love talk, in the habit of listening to the need to strengthen etc.). Secondly, the childrens learning, autonomy and decision-making ability should be further developed. Children in some large classes need to be individually trained in their movement development and practical ability, and the intelligence of self reflection needs to be consolidated. Mathematical logic, intelligence, reasoning, computing ability need to be developed. Although there are some problems, but the entire large class style positive, hat, love, especially in the school carried out with the big activities, for the younger brothers and sisters made a good example.

  Two, class management

  (I) class management culture: sincerity, respect, love and cooperation;

  (two) large class management objective:

  1, cultivate childrens mutual learning, autonomy and decision-making ability, establish a common discussion groups.

  2, to create a class atmosphere full of love, so that children have a sense of security, training childrens sense of responsibility, and form a preliminary awareness of primary school.

  3, continue to seriously study the new "Outline", establish a correct view of education, unity of educational thought, and into educational behavior.

  4, to help parents to have the correct view of children, education view, knowledge view, clear focus of early childhood education is to cultivate personality and ability, so that parents agree familiar with the aim of education, goal and course form us, and support the participation of kindergarten educational activities, to form a good "home dialogue interaction network".

  three specific division of labor and measures.

  In the overall cooperation, we will be clear goals, with tacit understanding, everyone should have a positive, active consciousness. Specific measures are:

  1, every Friday at noon class meeting, summed up the work of the week, and find out the good methods and shortcomings;

  2, every end of the month and PTA members a communication (unlimited), discuss.

  Three, this semester the key ability of children training summary

  A, cultivate childrens sense of responsibility

  Responsibility is the essential attitude and quality of a person for any job, especially at a young age. We will train the children by assigning tasks and guiding the children to the requirements and completing the tasks as required. Such as: let children organize their beds, help teachers repair books, tidy up the toy cabinets, when the qualified students on duty, etc..

  B, young convergence, to cultivate good learning habits of young children

  (1) pay attention to the cultivation of childrens listening habits, listening is to listen carefully to others, good listening is an indispensable accomplishment. Learn to listen, not only can correctly and completely listen to the information, but also give people to leave a serious, steadfast, respect for the impression. Therefore, the cultivation of good listening habits is by no means trivial. We will do the following: talk to children more. In the course of the conversation, let the child learn how to understand each others words, to understand the situation to understand, understand the timing of their own words. More talk activities and games, teachers create opportunities for effective individual conversation with their children, and in the process of conversation with their own listening behavior to influence and guide children. Provide an opportunity to listen. Play audio and video work to children, let them learn to listen quietly, and open up the listening corner and provide the opportunity to listen. Consolidate in an activity. Carry out various forms of performances, stories, small news conferences and other similar activities, guide children to listen carefully to their partners, encourage them to take part in the show bravely.

  (2) cultivate the ability of rule consciousness and execution of rules.

  Includes: understanding and understanding the rules in the educational environment. Get into the habit of following rules. Develop a habit of acting in accordance with instructions. Learn to formulate rules and regulations for activities.

英语课外的活动总结 『范文8』








  2.在活动的举行过程中,每个组员都以极大的热情投入到这个活动中,吸引了许多外系的参与者,达到了我们活动的目的--活跃校园文化氛围,激发广大同学学习英语的乐趣,加强对中西不同文化差异和文化内涵的理解。虽然有些外系参与者刚开始没有显现出极大的兴趣,但在组员的动员下,他们也兴趣大增。从开始是时的门可罗雀到 后来的人山人海,真觉得用心就能把事情做好,把平凡的小事做得不平凡!




  1. 对于本次活动,处事不够干练,想问题不够全面,不够深刻,没有很好的把握好参与者数量,特别是在活动的最后,发放的小礼品瞬间不够,这让我们的活动出现尴尬的局面。虽然能基本实现活动的预期目标,但在工作中面对困难面对压力也感到力不从心,缺乏经验。






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